Koha e zhvillimit (data/viti) te konferences: 01-03 November 2021
ICOALS is one of the leading international conferences in the Western Balkans for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It also serves to foster communication among researchers and practitioners working in a wide variety of scientific areas with a common interest in improving Agriculture, Life Sciences, Economics and Rural Development and related issues. ICOALS III coincides with the university’s 70th anniversary and its commitment for greater integration in the European Research Area (ERA) by promoting smart and resilient farming systems in Albania as well as the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the sustainable adaptation of the agricultural sector and rural areas within the EU accession process.
Programi i Konferencës: https://ubt.edu.al/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/ICOAL3_Program.pdf
Libri i “Proceedings”: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nialwl50YjoqRV3tiMyVAeMH6wj_l3xT/edit
Link: https://icoals3.com/