Terra Madre, Balkan 2016 “Putting Farmers First”

The international Conference “Putting farmers first” u organizua bazuar ne sloganin “Putting farmers first” e cili perfaqesonte temen kryesore te Terra Madre Balkans 2016. Ne kete conference moren pjese perfaqesues te 350 delegatë nga 13 vende (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina, Bullgaria, Kroacia, Qipro, Greqia, Kosova, Mali i Zi, Republika e Maqedonisë, Rumania, Serbia, Turqia, Italia dhe Shqipëria).
Shqipëria u zgjodh për edicionin e 2016 të Terra Madre Balkans sepse rrjeti i saj i Slow Food po rritet vazhdimisht dhe me shpejtësi.
Veprimtaria organizohet nga Universiteti Bujqësor i Tiranës, VIS Albania dhe Slow Food in Albania, Akademia e Shkencave e Shqipërisë me mbështetjen e Slow Food, Ministrise se Bujqesise dhe Agjencise Italiane për Bashkëpunim Ndërkombëtar.

The international Conference “Putting farmers first” is organized based the slogan “Putting farmers first” the main theme of Terra Madre Balkans 2016. 350 delegates arrived from 13 countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, The Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Italy and Albania).
Albania was chosen for this year’s edition of Terra Madre Balkans because its Slow Food network is steadily and rapidly growing.
The event is organized by Agricultural University of Tirana, VIS Albania and Slow Food in Albania, Academy of Science of Albania with the support of Slow Food, the Albanian Ministry for Agriculture, and the Italian Agency for International Cooperation.

2nd International Conference “Biotechnology in Agriculture”