Universiteti i Zagrebit hap thirrjen për dy vende vakante për mobilitet të studenteve

In the framework of ERASMUS + KA 171 2022-2027, signed between Agricultural University of Tirana and University of Zagreb, students and academic staff of AUT are invited to be part of this exchange program.

Highly motivated students are encouraged to apply. The period of exchange is 2nd/summer semester 2024-2025. (Mid of February-1st week of July)

Can apply Bachelors and Masters Students from:

·         Agronomic Science Department, Faculty of Agricultural and Environment;
·         Veterinary Medicine Faculty;

 Applicants should presents the following documents:
1.           CV
2.      Certificate of Enrolment
3.      Grade list
4.      English certificate
5.      Copy of passport (first page with the photo and personal data)

Application period is from 21.10.2024 until 1.11 2024

For further information you can visit: Here are the links to courses in English:

Faculty of Agriculture: 

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine:

Please submit the documents in following email:


Thirrje erasmus, Universiteti i Zagrebit 

Njoftim për miratimin e periudhës së aplikimeve me formularin A1Z për Maturën Shtetërore 2024!