Prof. Dr. Fatbardh Sallaku

Prof. Dr. Fatbardh Sallaku is the rector of Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) and full Professor of Natural Resources Management and Administration at the AUT

Fatbardh Sallaku is a professor of management and administration of natural resources at the Agricultural University of Tirana and holds the title "Professor" since 2010. His scientific activity focuses on environmental aspects related to land and water, their degradation and protection, the problems of rural development, agro-environmental policies, etc.

After studying agronomy at the Agricultural University of Tirana in 1990, he started working directly as a lecturer at this university. He completed his doctoral studies and defended the degree of "Doctor" in 1996. During the period 2008-2016 he performed the duties of the head of the Department of Agriculture and Ecology and during the period 2016-2020 he performed the duties of the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment. From 2020 onwards, Prof. Fatbardh Sallaku is the Rector of the Agricultural University of Tirana.

Prof. Sallaku has done post-graduate specializations and scientific research in several European Universities such as Queen's University of Belfast, UK (1994-1995); Agriculture University of Padova, Italy (1996); Institute of Soil Science & Conservation", Giessen Germany (1998-2002); "Humboldt University of Berlin", Germany (2004-2005), etc.

He has about 90 scientific publications, of which 30 scientific articles are indexed in Impact Factor or Scopus in well-known journals such as: "Geoderma", "Environmental Modeling & Assessment", "Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy", "Ecology, Environment and Conservation", "Research Journal of Agricultural Science", "Journal of Ecological Engineering", "Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment", "Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design", etc.

Prof. Sallaku is a participant in many international scientific congresses and conferences and the organizer of some of them, as well as has a collaboration with many universities leading, collaborating or participating in many national and international projects (TEMPUS, Interreg, CB, USAID, FAO, etc.). 

In cooperation with international and local organizations and companies, Prof. Sallaku has carried out expertise in various positions as project manager and international or local expert in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia for issues related to the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, in the field of environmental protection and rural development. 

Prof. Sallaku is a member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, from 2021, contributing his experience to the activity of the Technical Natural Sciences section. From 2021 onwards, Prof. Sallaku is a visiting professor at the Department of Community Sustainability, Michigan State University (USA), in the International Development: Theory and Practice module. Professor Sallaku has been the rector of UBT since 2020.