

Prof. Dr. Foto KASHTA




Specializim: European Work Shop on National Plant Genetic Resources Program Alnarp Suedi  Prill 2003

Specializim: Program in Foundation Seed ne Mississippi State University. USA Shtator 1999

Specializim: Plant biotechnology and applications. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania Greece Qershor 1998                                                                          Specializim: Permiresimi gjenetik dhe krijimi i kultivareve te rinj ne grure Instituti I Drithrave Selanik Greqi 1994                                                                                                PhD, Shkencat Agronomike, Universiteti Bujqesor i Tiranes, 1990                                                              

The Application of Crop Simulation Models in Albania 19-30 September Tirane 1984

Specializim pasuniversitar per dritherat. Universiteti Bujqesor i Tiranes, Tirane, 1983-1984                                        

Diploma Agronom i pergjithshem Instituti i larte bujqesor ne Korce 1976


Bimet e Arave (Dritherat dhe bishtajoret per kokerr), Bimet Foragjere, Prodhim Bimor

Interesat kerkimore

Permiresimi gjenetik ne grure, aspekte te teknologjise se kultivimit ne drithera dhe bishtajore per kokerr.

Shkarko CV